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No longer offered - Best Practices in Multithreaded Windows Programming

Two to three-day lecture-lab. Customizable for client requirements.

This course provides advanced training the design, development, and troubleshooting of multithreaded applications running on Microsoft Windows (Windows 7, Vista, XP, and Server 2008/2003). The course has been redesigned to take advantage of new Windows features, such as thread pools, slim reader/writer (SRW) locks, and condition variables, that enhance reliability and performance.


No longer offered - Best Practices in Pthreads Multithreaded Programming

Two to three-day lecture-lab. Customizable for client requirements.

This course provides advanced training the design, development, and troubleshooting of multithreaded applications designed to run on UNIX and Linux platforms (as well as Windows, using an open source Pthreads library). Specifically, this course provides advanced instruction on the programming features available with POSIX Pthreads, with an emphasis on performance and reliability.


No longer offered - Windows System Programming

Two-to-four day lecture-lab, with one-day lecture-demo option.

[for Windows [Windows 7, Vista, XP, Server 2008/2003, ...]

With Windows System Programming and Application Development, you learn the Windows (Win32/64) API quickly and effectively. The course concentrates on the core operating system services, including file and directory management, memory management, dynamic link libraries (DLLs), structured exception handling (SEH), process and thread management, thread synchronization, interprocess communication, and networking.


No longer offered - The C++ Standard Template Library

Two-day lecture-lab.

This lecture-lab hands-on course covers the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), explaining the design principles and objectives, illustrating STL usage, and showing how to benefit from using the STL when developing application programs. The class exercises address realistic programming problems and reinforce the lecture material. The STL is an essential tool available with most C++ compilers, and portable source code implementations are freely available from several web sites. Programmers who learn to use the STL can develop maintainable, efficient, and portable programs more quickly and reliably than by developing their own libraries. The course, after reviewing C++ template principles, covers all the essential topics, including container classes, iterators, and algorithms, along with functors (function objects), allocators, and more. STL features are motivated and described in terms of common programming problems, and STL's ability to provide generic, efficient solutions to these problems is emphasized.

